Balloon Dried Figs | Anjiran | Buy Nuts, Dried Figs and Saffron

Balloon Dried Figs – E Type

انجیر خشک بادکنکی - Balloon Dried FigsIntroduction of Balloon Dried Figs Product

Similar to special premium dried figs, balloon dried figs (E Type) is fruits of special type of fig tree which is named “Payves” in Iran. This type of dried figs has large to very large size (greater than 24 mm). The color scheme of this type of product is white, yellow and creamy and because of its special appearance is known as balloon dried figs. The taste of booth mentioned types of products are differ from regular dried figs and tends to sour taste. Since there is no noticeable difference between grains, this type has no special sorting and usually has its own customers.

According to the above, purchase of balloon dried figs, is not recommended for those who are not familiar to all kinds of dried figs specially this type. If you want to buy suitable dried figs for domestic consumption, Iranian superior dried figs will be your best choice.

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Fig Benefits

Fig has many properties which are explained in the article “fig properties in nutrition and treatment” in the site respectful to the fans. These properties can be explained as following in summary.

Paradise fig fruit which swear by Holy Quran has also high nutrient value and health benefits. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B and C exist with proper amount in fig fruit. This fruit is also a rich sources of dietary fiber which had major role in preventing and relieving constipation. Due to the fact that foods high in fiber plays an important role in the management and control weight, figs consumption is an important issue in diets for weight loss. Moreover, figs contain large amounts of iron and vitamin C. combination of these two nutrient make figs as an extraordinary fruit for people suffering from anemia, particularly iron deficiency anemia. Figs consumption by children and those who pass recovering period is very useful because of easy to digest. Thus inclusion of this product in diet would be very rational and useful. This fruit is mostly use as dry. Since figs product in garden is different in type, size and appearance, are classified in different categories. Balloon dried figs type E is one of these categories.

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